Price Packages

Basic Advanced Premium Professional
15 €/mo 30 €/mo Request a quote Request a quote
  • Upload up to 5 items for sale
  • No sales fee
  • Upload up to 15 items for sale
  • No sales fee
  • Pro-active search on demand
  • Pro-active search on demand
  • Negotiation is done for you
With Basic Package we give you the possibility to promote and sell your art work through our platform for a monthly steady price. Upload up to 10 items for sale. No further sales fee!
In Advanced Package your artwork will be pro actively shared and promoted through social media and off course it will be displayed on the platform. Upload up to 25 items for sale. No sales fee!
Search on Demand is a service where we can help you pro actively find your search on demand through our worldwide network.
With the Professional Brokerage service we help you as mediator to achieve the best price or sell for the best price. Our people will do the art mediation for you.